Supercharge your Twitter feed!

Twitter is one of the key social media tools used by businesses. Letting people know what you're up to brings prospects and customers closer and enhances the chances of them buying your products or services


How can you expand your use of Twitter, to help you get more out of it?

Posting images and videos

You're almost certainly already using this functionality as it's a long time since Twitter messages were text only and a maximum of 140 characters. But just because you can use photos and videos doesn't mean you should do it all the time - it's important to break it up and make sure you're adding value.

Be creative and use them when they will make an impact - a new product, a picture a customer sends in, that sort of thing.

Time lapse

If you're can't think of something to video, and aren't confident about talking to the camera, try using time-lapse photography to film your work.

Even the most basic smartphones can now do this, although you might have to download an app. Set your phone up, preferably on a tripod or clamp, to take pictures every couple of minutes.

If you're a builder, for example, at the end of the day you'll have a record of your work that can create a really powerful video you can share, particularly if it shows you clearing up at the end of the day! That's one of the things people like to see with builders, someone who takes care.

Polls - ask your followers

A great way of engaging people on Twitter is to ask them what they think. You can turn a tweet into a poll when you're creating it by clicking the Add Poll icon.

The question is - what do you ask?

Asking for opinions on your product or service can be a double-edged sword - you need to be confident that things are going well before going down that road.

Another option is to ask people about new things. If you've just introduced a new offer, price structure or feature, ask people what they think of it. Or ask them what they want to see you offer next that would help them?

Keep it broad

You can also ask people about things that are happening in the world around you. They don't have to be directly about your business but there should be some connection.

For example if you're a baker or caterer and some new superfood or diet fad kicks off, ask people whether they think it's worth taking notice of or just another craze that will fade away.

Mix it up

The main point is to keep varying your output. Monitor your stats to see what people like and give them more of those things, but not to the exclusion of simple messages every now and then.

You'll turn people off if you keep posting polls, images or videos with nothing in between, even if they are your most popular item.

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